Jess Corbin Fallen Rose the one trilogy


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Jess Corbin

© Jess Corbin -
Jess Corbin Associates


Readers have asked for PAGE UPDATES, re WHEN NEW pages are posted. I will endeavour to help re this. IF you have not already read the previous pages I suggest you read them !

Tomorrowland    Vodoo    murder    Evan   Wendy   Emily   Cistera Aludri     Japan   kets 

clowns  Love   together  woke     gstring   couple     vanity     cflen2     * KDW 

                Latest:         Morte           Mask          Goldi       --   Together    images

REwrites    Baby  Goldilocks   


Ah the HIM and the HER
played out in some of the most craziest of stories.
As it unwinds, you enter the worlds of Jess Corbin and discover that it’s like being lost in a maze. Each twist and turn, as you move towards the exit only to end up lost once again as he takes you into more stories, characters, places.

Ah yes HER.. a love, a hate.. HIM knows how to wind her up..

‘HIM’ ?? Ah yes what can I say about HER!

I always said I would go far,
down the road 5 miles and I’m a star!!
I’m really where its at..
So say’s one of my five fans, I think he's called Matt!
From Carlisle to Blackpool's sunny shore,
I give my all, 'til they cry 'NO MORE!'


‘HER’ : Ah yes what can I say about ‘HIM’

At times, the focus of my undivided attention...


Ah yes, the STORM...

Within the storm,

 or beneath a sky of blue,

on a racetrack or a hill with a view.

I will paint my world, born anew,

in sweet recollection, such perfection

remains yet still,

with my last breath;

forever loving you..


“Writer, poet, musician.”

Welcome to the worlds of Jess Corbin.


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Home   web   about   intro   love   murder   clowns   KDW   theone   ffilm1   film2   gstring   tomorrow   Vodoo   cistera   Evan   Wendy   KDW1   mask   forever   Vanity   together   covers   Emily   kets   adrift   Aludri   kisses   Morte   couple   cflen   felicia   suono   stolen   tears   cathy   fury   online   Shania   Baby   britney   texasG   rage   iibizam   Korea   haunted   pets   sunrise   corfu1   Japan   gift   corfu2   pigs   drink   goldilocks   Goldi   where   always   Red   falling   dancer   creamed   fire   passion   online2   spell   stowaway   lost   Bfly   inspire   images   gina   mermaid   links   health   NEXT 


ALL Jess Corbin works are protected by international copyright. Jess Corbin, Jess Corbin Associates; all rights reserved. You may not use any of the content of this Jess Corbin, web, pages, publication, in any way shape or form, without the consent of the copyright holders.
 ALL Jess Corbin’s works are fiction re places, times, people, persons; unless stated otherwise.

This is an EXTRACT features web only, pages are a SAMPLE of the HUNDREDS of pages re the finished PUBLICATION.

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Jess Corbin

Jess Corbin -
Jess Corbin Associates