Jess Corbin Fallen Rose the one trilogy


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Jess Corbin

© Jess Corbin -
Jess Corbin Associates

It was the cool of the caribbean night, that had had Sarah, Vodoo300
taking in her favorite Rum and Bacardi drinks. Bridget had left to pick up some friends from the air field.

Unknown to them and missing from the ‘party’ who would soon be joining them?
Danny and Troy!

Their early arrival, was not without purpose.
They had planned what was to unfold, for some weeks previously..

Ben  was a native, of the area AND had, been used one might say, discarded by Sarah. The breakup was NOT pleasant.

Spreading nonsense, about him being unable to perform? To be small, not only in stature but?

In truth, Sarah had been recovering from the trauma, following what had happened in ‘Tomorrowland;

What they had done was to literally humiliate her. So many of those she knew and had worked hard to build up a good reputation with had seen it all.

NOT without some laughter, a definite lack of empathy, on the part of those who disliked Sarah.
They had taken their time to bring about what unfolded with what some would agree’; was executed with ruthless efficiency.

Out for revenge might have been on Ben’s lips but? There were others present who too had been at the Tomorrowland debacle.

They were FANS and one in particular, adored Sarah. He was angry at how his ‘girl’ had been treated. With help from the others with him, they became aware of what Ben, Danny and Troy had planned.

It meant they had to work fast! The others arriving on the flight would soon be there. Amongst them were several of their friends and in particular?

 A special effects wizard.
Once he was with them, they worked out their revenge?
“Well it is a saying, dig one grave,make sure you dig another?” There were howls of laughter.
Four of them, carrying shovels, two of them with pick axes. As they headed towards the hillside.

It would take them about an hour to dig three;  ‘shallow’ graves.
Lewis had learned from Bridget who had picked them up, where Sarah was to be found?

Duncan, had decided ‘his girl’, had to be tucked away safely out of the reach of Ben, Troy and Danny. NOT an easy task BUT it had to be done.
Some hours later, Sarah was so drunk, she took no notice of those, who were busy abducting her?

Somewhat pleased, that her ‘ abduction’ had been so easy; Duncan left Ellie his sister, to look after her. “Keep her topped up with alcohol if she wakes!” They then left to put in play what would later transpire to give them some major payback.

Meanwhile, Ben, Danny and Troy had been finding Sarah gone?
Bridget too, had woken from her sleep, to wonder where Sarah was?
“Where is she?” Danny used the excuse that they were there to apologise to Sarah? Bridget did NOT fully believe anything they were saying but that did not detract from the FACT that Sarah was missing?

They decided they had no choice but to go and look for her?
“Any ideas? “ I think we need to give it an hour or two, she will no doubt come back. I don’t think us, going out to look for her and her returning here?” Ben it seemed was more interested in the glass of Rum and coke in his hand. He was staring at the bottle, almost empty?
“Bitch ! I bought that, paid good money for it! “

They were soon, opening two more bottles. They had not noticed Duncan, who was in their room but out of sight, with their backs to him,  as he placed a weird, looking doll like thing, on the shelf unit?
It was tucked carefully, out of view BUT! what it did was NOT hindered in any way.

A wisp of smoke from it, permeating the room?
Duncan had left with some haste, covering his mouth as he did. He had not intention of being there in ‘its’ presence.

Ben had lit a cigar, the smoke billowing from his mouth, caused Bridget to cough. “Do you have to,” might have been on her lips, but she decided as she did NOT know Ben that well? She moved out of the room and into the kitchen area..Danny too had joined Ben as he lit a cigar up and puffed at it.

The mix of the cigar smoke and what was now mixing with it, from the ‘doll’? An "hallucinogenic” potent,  vapour? Hours later they were somewhat ‘disorientated’ BUT put that down to the Rum that had been consumed?

“She is still not back!” Bridget had cajoled them, to the point they were now, leaving the shack to go look for her.
Ben was sure of where they could find her. A spot apparently she liked.

It was, Danny and Troy agreed, where they had already, set in motion part of their plan?  Stumbling towards the hillside? Laughing and drunk, ah yes; drunk?

Watched. by those left behind by Duncan. to keep an eye on them?  Soon the message, was relayed to him, as to the fact they were on the move.

It was time, for all to take their places. Wait for the signal?
Revenge.. ah yes, sweet; REVENGE.
Trisha had with Dewie placed the camera’s carefuly to record all that was to unfold.

Meanwhile? Sarah was fast asleep, snoring her head off.

To be continued.

(Hallucinogens areĀ psychedelic drugs that can potentially change the way people see, hear, taste, smell or feel, and also affect mood and thought.)


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Jess Corbin

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Jess Corbin Associates