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Jess Corbin

© Jess Corbin -
Jess Corbin Associates

The girls from S. Korea including some of the so called K-Pop ‘idols’, were working in 4 groups. Each group had a different work schedule allocated to them. It meant that they did not end up fighting over who got what re where and when; re the studio options and that included the two Panoramic screen rooms.

Green screen rooms and the use of them, could be a volatile borderline at times hostile environment, physically AND mentally exhausting for those who had to act as ‘ moderators ’. Time allowed for filming and especially, re the pop videos / music showcase videos, entered for the ‘Red rose international competition.’ were time controlled sessions. Sessions that often ran out of time!

Of course there were amongst those present at the studios, some other girls AND males, who were of different nationalities.

SOME were scholarships, that gave the individuals an almost equal opportunity, to vie for the ‘Red rose trophies.’

Food, accommodation AND other expenses were taken care of. It also gave them a ‘pocket allowance’ for whatever they chose to spend it on. Yes there were some restrictions but in general that never gave any real issues.

From the beginning, the studios who chose, to take up the challenges, re winning the much coveted ‘Red rose trophy’ there would be some problems with the ‘foreign’ would be contestants.
Diet? From the bizarre to the almost impossible, to find in the UK, foods? OR the habits of some that were sometimes met with hostility?Durian

Ah yes, the Durian. The way to quickly clear a room and lose your most prized of friends. The stench?  but Incredibly nutritious??  The smell is very strong and has been described as a combination of sulfur, sewage, fruit, honey, and roasted and rotting onions.

In many major hotels etc that is BANNED and attempt to take it in with you can get your thrown out! It can leave a smell that taints so much of a room with little or no solutions to get rid of that stench apart from days, WEEKS, MONTHS with the room vented etc

A study on the aromatic compounds in durian found 44 active compounds, including some that contribute to scents of skunk, caramel, rotten egg, fruit, and soup seasoning.

Rare one might think for some of the bizarre foods BUT for those determined to find them? Not forgetting, though illegal! were packages from home>? Often and for some, thankful ,for that happening; thought few knew even of the packages; such packages were intercepted and destroyed.

Culture, traditions, personalities all in the mix, added to the fuel, of those trying to work together, OR in competition with? Let’s not of cours forget about LANGUAGES and I’m not talking here about the colourful variety.

The foreigners could of course, swear at you and chances were, with  you NOT understanding their language? Who, would ever realize, the truth OR; well, until someone enlightened you otherwise? We all know, don’t we, the result, sometimes of that !

Personalities? thoughts, actions, behaviors, social and anti social to extrovert or introvert? Oh yes, a melting pot.Sometimes a vision of some old hags stood around it stirring up bubble and trouble..?

Bullying, discrimination, racism? Oh yes, it existed AND sometimes it could be quite subtle though often brutal, in its all pervading evils. The studios tried to limit as much as they could such practices BUT of course it still filtered through,

Mob mentatlity? It could push to be almost cult like for some. A George Orwell, ‘Animal farm’  Do as we tell you NOT as we do. situation?’ with their sheep, following them blindly; until the cliff fall is invevitable?

Suzanne was one of the moderators present at the main office of the studio when she was made aware of some hostility going on, as she made her way, to Studio 7? One of the green screen rooms?

On arrival, there were some females, in what could only be described, as engaged in an attempt on their part, to bully a certain female present. The poor girl under attack, was struggling, because she could NOT understand, what they were saying? Suzanne using her AI interpreter device, soon discovered what they were up to.

A clear act on their part of bullying? The girl had at least twenty more minutes, with those of her team mates, to finish their showcase video. The one’s who had interrupted her session, were next in the studio? They were trying, to get her to leave, so that they could steal the remaining time from her and add it to theirs?

It happened and often others would give up and exit to leave the aggressors more than pleased? Suzanne was NOT pleased at all. Third time this week she has had to deal with this kind of bullying.

She showed the aggressors her phone screen. Evan ! He spoke to them and oh yes, they fully understood what he was telling them. They were to forfeit 1 hour of their time to the girl and her companions as punishment. OR, he made it clear to them. DO it, or lose their session all together.

Situation resolved as Suzanne apologized, to the girl and her companions, making sure, she understood, their time in the studio, had been increased to a further hour. Shania Yan Indonesia

Suzanne liked her. She was as Danny commented, ‘cute’ with a very affable mannerism AND an amazing voice.

That of course, meant she was open, to those who considered her weak? Open to some bullying?

Truth was, Suzanne suspected she was anything but and more than capable; physically and mentally.

She had certainly not backed down when she had been confronted by that lot?  Suzanne made it clear to the girl, that she should calll  Evan  if that lot or others showed up again and attempted that? A direct line to the boss? Well almost;

Bernice would be furious, with the group concerned and banned them for a week, from coming near the studio. IF they tried that again, they would face some serious consequences.  She had the girl and her team, visit her in  the office.

“I am sorry Shania, that you found yourself and your team, having to face them. Most of the other competitors and users of the studios here as you probably already know ,are nothing like them..

I could have had them expelled, but I feel that would have created some hostility towards you, from those they deemed, friends left behind, I feel a warning wll suffice and certainly enough, given their one week suspension, to keep them from trying that scam again with you.“

Unknown to Bernice and Suzanne; Danny on hearing about the incident, had taken Shania and her ‘team’, into a local restaurant, that served Asian food. He too, had made it clear, that she should contact him, if they had anynore problems?

It was certainly strange on  Danny’s part to treat them all to a meal AND pay the bill??  Sarah, would not have been so accommodating, re his actions. She disliked him and Troy with a vengeance.

(to be continued) Please remember that ALL Jess Corbin works are fiction unless stated otherwise.

Shania Yan     @ShaniaYan     -yiB4_B_F1Pw&utm_source=copy-link&nd=1



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Jess Corbin

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Jess Corbin Associates