Jess Corbin Fallen Rose the one trilogy


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Jess Corbin

© Jess Corbin -
Jess Corbin Associates

She had left the club, where she worked, at about 3am in the morning.
Declining, an escort, to, her apartment, a walk for her, of  about twenty minutes.

JJ as she was known was used to the walk. The morning air was dark, damp; eerie.
A  lot of  moonlit shadows, dancing across the concrete. on the building site, to her left.

The night watchman Jake, was known to her AND he, was a regular customer, of the club favouring, a female called Yan Ying, from Thailand.  Sometimes, but, NOT always, he would be around, to wave at her. This morning, was he, in his cabin?

She ventured, with a degree of caution , onto the newly laid concrete; some days old and, well hardened. Her stiletto heels, the sound of the tap tap tap on the hard surface, to knock on the door

The girls, had an agreement amongst themselves, to check on him mostly as a favour for Ying.
He was reasonably healthy for his age BUT, she had told them, he tended to skip his meals?
They could stop, have a tea or coffee with him before heading home.

Always pleasant, bright and it was equally a pleasure, to see him. His presence helped IF,  leaving the club SOMETIMES, she or the others, could have would be stalkers, never mind admirers, the real issue could be  jealous girlfriends OR worse still; wives?

If they saw Jake, they would for the most part, tend, to stop following.

The cabin door was slightly ajar. She pulled it opened and stepped inside to move around the table, Towards the far end of  the cabin? It was then she almost fell over his legs stuck out, the rest of him UNDER the table?

As she knelt down, to peer under it, the true shock nay horror, of seeing the body of  Jake, blood, splattered all over his torso, his hands ?

Shifting the table away from him, momentarily caught up in the moment, the flush of adrenaline kicking in, along with, the ‘flight or response’  hammering her conscious thoughts!

There it was, a thought or two, that he might actually, be alive?  She almost stumbled, her stiletto, catching the electric cord jerking the plug from the socket.  IT, ran to the heater, he often used.

The one on cold mornings they had often huddled around, sipping, their hot warm soothing drinks, reflecting on ... LIFE.

Her face, her senses, all of them in disarray, askew. Tears forming in her eyes; the blurred vision and yet, clear for all to see; the deep, gnawing sadness, within her.

He had been stabbed several times. Blood splattered across him, across the floor and he, had, fought back against his attacker. The palms of his hands had been slashed in the attack.

She heard something as the door to the cabin opened slightly then closed.

She almost fell again, in her rush, to open the door, step out into the cold bleak, night air;  eyes now focusing on...

She screamed...

It was almost 5am, when, the relief night watchman;  Markus, turned up, to have to fumble for his keys, to now UNLOCK the cabin door?

Normally the door was never locked!  The dead body of Jake, the blood, the stab wounds almost freaked him out.Jasmin Jaeger Fallen rose the one Jess Corbin Fallen Rose the one

Stepping out to use his mobile phone, the dark damp eerie morning shadows.

He stared around as he was talking to the local police.

The outline of a ‘female’?

He shifted closer to now see it almost in its entirety. JJ !

What the ?

The police, were listening
as he conveyed, what he was now seeing. Soon they too would be experiencing the same horrors.

Both of them, had been stabbed several times. BOTH of them, had put up some resistance, but to no avail. JJ, had no, real chance to defend herself,

Viciously stabbed several times, throat cut with her, dragged out onto the concrete, a short distance, from the cabin.

The trail of blood, became more apparent, as daylight took over. JJ, had been slammed down onto the concrete, the clear signs, of the assailant, struggling, to rip her pants open.
Some desperation, to strip her of them?

IT would not have been easy, they were tight fitting, shiny viscose difficult to tear material,
The blade, ah yes to use the blade slashing at them. creating an opening; one, that could have him crouching down to take her.

He would turn her over later and, slice again to open it up further. The problem for most. would have been, IF death occurred, the sudden spewing from her bowels?
Necrophilia, necrophiliac. Alive or dead, but to some, the preference, was with their victim being DEAD?

Disturbed, by the arrival, of Markus? No doubts, when he, had entered the cabin, to discover, the first body and, raised the alarm. Moving outside, the murderer, must have seen him, talking to the police?

The metal bar in his hand?  He was taking no chances in case the murderer was still around. The iron bar, would smash, the hand or hands, of any would be attacker, with a blade?

It was difficult for the police to continue to collect evidence?. The site, was soon, full of workers, watching as the bodies were taken away? Blocking them, as they forced them, to go, around them?

Luckily, the foreman soon arrived, cleared the area and, assigned the workers, to a new nearby project, thus, finally, clearing the site, for the police and detectives to continue gathering evidence.

The torn panties, from JJ, had blood, excrement ,on them. blood from her could have been, where she had in her final moments, gripped them to leave them in her hand, to stop the assailant, from ripping them off her, OR the murderers blood?

Forensics would show, she had not been raped. He or? had slashed an opening ,exposing what lay close to her skin,  to pull at her panties, dragging them forwards. no doubt cursing, as she was now, emptying her bowels onto them.

The urgency had increased? The blade, slashed the sides, the intention, to tear the panties out BUT, she had gripped them so tightly, he had fled, leaving at least half of them, clutched tightly, in her hand. ..

Meanwhile ...

Evan had been visiting the club, not as a punter but to arrange a music event that would shortly take place there? The news was not long in reaching them re JJ.

A very popular and, well loved female. Evan, had met her before and, was now genuinely, joining them all, in sharing their ‘grief’.

“We need someone to tell her family, well actually just her sister.
The rest of her family, were klled in a car crash, by some drunken b’stard, who was never caught?

It would seem that Evan, was the best choice, rather than the police, who were less than keen to do that. Foreigners, meant they, had to bring in interpreters, would have the grieving relatives to deal with.

Nah. Evan would do it for them.

If, he had access to, the full autopsy reports, he was a little slow, in actually taking in the content from it. The train journey, of several hours, allowed him, to read it, digest it, along with, his coffee and two croissants.

Halfway through, on the munching, of the second croissant, he paused, to gather his thoughts. THIS report, was sounding VERY much, like ones he had read re the murders in the UK?

Steven had given him, all of the reports, on file, that he, was now looking at on his laptop.
The more he looked at them, the more he was convinced, this was the same killer.

So, he, had fled from Rome to here? But why kill the night watchman?
The female was a target for this killer... but WHY the night watchman?
HE, had been killed, before JJ, so it did not make sense.

Why kill him, in the first place ?

Arriving at his destination, he had decided to book into the hotel, sign in at the desk and rest up in his room for a while.

The room was spacious. A surprise for the norm being usually anything but.
The shower area, was a welcome sight. He, was soon stripped and, relaxing in its stream of hot water.

Invigorated, he left the shower, naked to grab towel. Then he almost fell over.
SHE whoever the hell she was, was stood watching him.

His hands went down to rest on, the now rapidly growing in size;  SIZE being the operative word here.. whilst he could see HER, running her tongue over her lips.

Room service? He had NOT made any arrangements usually with the head porter, for such. NOT that he was complaining; she was stunning.

The towel passed to him, she waited as he wrapped it around himself and sat down. She had made some tea and was sat opposite him sipping on it.

“JJ.” she paused to place the cup onto the saucer. “Was my sister.
A very VERY special sister. WE are, or were, TWINS.”

 More sips from her tea, before he put his cup down, handed he,r the autopsy report, which she threw onto the table.

“Not interested in that. I KNOW, that you KNOW, far more re who killed my sister. “
Standing, to move across, to his laptop. Sat in front  of it, she read out,  the names of,  the other girls?

“I am Samantha Jaeger. I, own Jaeger international, a womans lingerie and other alternative clothing, plus accessories, including dildos of all sizes, shapes, thrusting, attached to machines and not forgetting all to please those into ..., whips, chains...her voice tailed off as she sat down.

HE, was not surprised by her rhetoric, sales pitch?

I AM a multi millionairess. I, will NOT, stop, at finding, that murdering b’stard and, I have it on good authority from .. ‘Steven’ in the UK, that you, are one of the best, re clear thinking, capable.”
She stopped, ran her tongue over her lips..

“I KNOW YOU are more than capable.” She  moved closer to him.

“To helping me hunt down and, take my revenge, on that murderous b’stard.”
Her hand slid beneath his towel.

“NOW, lets discuss, the terms and conditions, of this manhunt; shall we..
I can see

YOU, are definitely ‘UP’ for it.”
Jess Corbin Fallen Rose the one


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Jess Corbin

Jess Corbin -
Jess Corbin Associates