Jess Corbin Fallen Rose the one trilogy


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Jess Corbin

© Jess Corbin -
Jess Corbin Associates

“”i found the body of the teenager. She had been stabbed, multiple times, that b’stard must have struck at her, from behind. Blood everywhere, pools of it.

A packet of cigarettes ? They, are checking, to see if they are relevant, dropped by the killer or?” 
Chiana shook her head. “Isabella, The one who had a drink with Stephan earlier? “

Brianni stared at her, her eyes flared as she suddenly recalled the moment? That little beauty?
Our darling Bella of the ball?” Chiana nodded. “The same. She had gone to get some fresh air and have a smoke.

That b’stard, must have followed her. However there is a problem. No one remembers, seeing any male, leaving with her; which is giving rise, to a possibility, the killer is a female?”

We are all, being stopped, from leaving here, until the Polizia Di Stato have sent in their detectives.
Probably Carlo or Andrei Lupo. I think Andrei, was due here, for some awards presentation, so he may already have arrived.”

“I don’t envy them. All of the females I have met, directly of indirectly AND, none of them, I would think for one moment, are capable, of that kind of murder. What is it they say. women, tend to stick with, softer killer options; poisons?

IF, it was, a female, how savage that attack was? That is one psycho bitch. Another reason, why I think, whoever it was, was NOT, part of the party here tonight.

She could have gone out and, was attacked by an outsider, a passer by? Someone did say they heard the sound of a Vespa? Like it? Quick getaway.  As for the weapon?”

“I heard the sound of that ‘Vespa’. You know I have one, I instantly recognised it starting up and moving off.
Bit noisier than mine BUT, definitely a Vespa.

Lambretta’s, don’t have the same sound. Notta has a Lambretta.  There was, a male, who turned up shortly after,
 I started screaming. No idea, who he was cept he heard me screaming, about the attacker and took off after them.”

Evan, ah yes. Evan. There in Rome, on a visit, to escort an Italian female back to the UK? The Red rose competition.

Her mother, a renown actress;  was known to his father. 
Apparently, Terry also had met her.

Felicia, was waiting for Evan. Sisuni her daughter, was crazy about music and she, was proud of her. Her strong vocals and,. a talent, for playing a number of musical instruments, from age 5?

Knowing some, of those behind the Red rose competition was a definite bonus. Her request, had been as good as a kiss on her cheek, well both actually!

Torens, had been delighted and, he was NOT alone. Terry, was certainly looking forward, to meeting Felicia again.

Sisuni was 15. No stranger, to travelling in Europe; that did not stop her worrying about her safety. Evan had been dispatched, to spend a week in Rome.

After a week, he had to accompany others back, to the UK.
He, had been told, to mind his manners, where Felicia was concerned. Torens had laughed.

“I doubt Felcia, has changed ! If her daughter is anything like her he is in for a real wake up call. NOT like our females here! Damm, was her mom, one saucy delicious feline!

Betany would be joining them. Those two, were childhood friends and, inseparable. She had received a message, that Evan, had gone to the ‘Masquerade ball’ to collect them both.

Ernesto, was an F1 driver, for Ferrari. Felicia, had met him on a number of occasions. Her son Benito, was sponsored by Ferrari and, now in training, as a systems analyst, with Organizzazione Automobilistica Elettronica.

They developed, monitored and generally looked after the ECMs used in  cars, the sport F1 were far more advanced and, systems were always, trial and error, in the development labs. .

He had been asked by his Mama to collect Evan from the airport and they were to stop by the Masquerade ball to pick up two females? Ah yes, he already knew Betany AND Sisuni.

Betany was a regular ‘pit girl’.  NOT so much Sisuni, her time was taken up with her music; her band. Ferrari often booked them for entertaining them at events.

They liked, her ability, to entertain them, with some of her electronic guitar riffs. She sure could move those fingers, across some of the Strat guitars she owned.

Tonight, his thoughts, were interrupted, by the appearance of Evan running towards him. Chasing after a figure that had just passed in front of his car headed towards a Vespa?

The raw rasp of the engine before the rider was aboard and speeding off, well sort of. NOT speed as Ernesto would know it. The figure ? You could NOT tell if it was male or female.

They chased after it. If the rider thought he could outwit Ernesto ? He was a fool. Several times, he tried to exit from their vision, their pursuit,  by diverting onto narrow streets. Ones that Ernesto, simply went around for the rider to appear shocked at seeing them?

That went on for ...     to be continued.

The Ferrari Purosangue



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Jess Corbin

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Jess Corbin Associates