Jess Corbin Fallen Rose the one trilogy


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Jess Corbin

© Jess Corbin -
Jess Corbin Associates

Goldilocks and the three bears Pt 2.

Anger? I wanted to kill 'em. I felt so humiliated. Laughing at me almost naked, thanks to that b'stard, tearing my clothes off me. I left the stage, to arrive back, in my changing room.

Some minutes later, I heard footsteps, in the corridor and, as I turned, to look towards, the doorway, there he was. Papa bear; removing the head from his bear costume.

I was hearing him mutter. 'Sorry.'
‘Uck his sorry. I was not interested, my thoughts, my eyes, were on that body. Those abs, the muscles and oh uck I felt horny. I let the remainder, of what I was wearing, slide down my body, to the floor.

Totally naked, watching the expression on his face change. A slight gasp from his lips said it all.
Moving towards me, slamming the door shut behind him.

Tearing off, the rest of what he had been wearing, as my eyes lowered to take in what was on offer? I let out a gasp, as he got closer and I dropped to my knees.

I will try not to dribble BUT I could just about rap my lips around what was on offer. Not that he was complaining and I, was not to be short changed in length, breadth OR depth.

I hit the deck. His body on top of me. The smell of his body sweat, the tang of onyx body spray in my nostrils.
Softly perfumed almost ebony black skin, glistened with a bead of sweat.

I moved my head, as he lowered his body for me, to rest it against his chest. That taut chest, across me, my hands resting on his lower back, sliding to grip and pull his thighs in, as I shifted mine.

My legs, at the side of his. His body moving against mine. This 5 foot something beneath him, her head against his chest, his arms gripping me as he shifts his body up.

My vision, beginning to blur, difficult to focus, at the sight of that beautiful muscular frame, towering above me.
My hands gripping, tighter and tighter as my lips coax him closer, closer, wanting, demanding almost screaming into his ear obscenities.

A harsh rasp, as I feel him occupy my space, taking up residence, never mind needing a dammed visa.
As for illegal entry? I screamed, howled buckled under him.

He hammered, taking all, sparing not one inch, of all he had to give and, I can tell you, not short on measure!
The size of all he was? They say, its where men keep their brains?

The sum of all I was getting?
Well in scientific terms mc=e2 relativity, or relatively speaking, I felt I was being taken by Einstein!

To the last drop, of sweat, as it, dripped over me; no, became a torrent of all embracing sweat pouring across me. His gasps and heavy breathing, lost in the screams from my lips.

The surge, the ripple after ripple, of pleasure, seized upon, locked into my senses, my sense of being, all consuming, taking, being taken; held in the moment, to the last murmur, dying away to nothing.

Minutes later, he was gone. I showered, dressed and left, with Bridget, who I had, on reflection realized with a grin, only just missed walking in on us. “What the hell have you been up to?” I babbled incoherently, like some idiot not desiring, to tell her that Miss Piggy, had gotten a dam good porking..

No on second thoughts, best not dwell on that. It was enough, hearing Bridget, voice her concerns, over my, as she put it, obsession, with collecting anything, to do with pigs.  BUT I had to disagree that my collection was an indication of my obsessions?

Porcelain piggy banks, ceramic and beautiful, different sizes, colours; in particular of which I had over 200?.
“Nothing.” She shook her head as we walked towards the exit. The changing room where he was, the door ajar?

I could see through the gap, as he stood, semi dressed in front of his mate, flexing his abs. His friend laughing.
We, could clearly hear his comments? Bridge, had eased the door open. Staring at the guy.

A hiss from between her teeth?
“Bloody hell, look at that body Sars!” I ignored her as he continued talking totally unaware of our presence.
Still in heated conversation with his mate?

"You telling me, you had the cougar's mother. I heard, she was not giving out to any guy! Frigid." "Well and truly my man. I'd be surprised to see it, walking around after that. Maybe a 5 out of 10

No good, you having it after me, it would be like you, well you know and the Mersey tunnel. I can hear her telling you now, darling, darling remove your ring. My ring? Ah Duncan, has been here. No dear, that’s my wrist watch! “

On reflection, more a charity donation on my part! The body was OK, bit of a saloon classic model not exactly  F1 class if you get my drift? As for looks and that makeup, she trowels on, I’d need a few drinks, before I had that again!”

He turned, his face looking at me, as he went quiet. The look of rage on my face? I shoved the door wide open.
"Uck you you ucking amateur." I reached into my bag, took out my best friend, well OK, one of them!

I flicked the switch, as it buzzed into life. The other guy staring at it. "Hell, he was so good, I had to use this afterwards. Girls gotta do, what a girls gotta do.

To finish off, what he started but was clearly unable to finish. Hell after he left, I felt short changed.. All, that he had to offer, but couldn’t deliver? Too much tossing, eh tosser. All cream and no cum." She tried not to lick her lips, remembering how good, that had been,

Bridget was stood, jaw open. She was not alone. The other guy, was staring, his mouth open, as I left.
"Bloody hell Sars, I think you just cut him down to size!" She had grabbed the vibe off me, turned it off, tucked it into her bag.

"You bitch! The body on that!" She left to disappear into the rest room. Some ten minutes passed, before she reappeared, the vibe in her hand. Shoving it into my bag. "Now that is what I call BFF. Best friends forever girl !
You might need to put that on charge when you get home.”

I left her, to go looking for? You guessed it. Those two b’stards Troy and Danny. I was in the mood to vent some rage, Give them a well deserved slap? As for Torens!

I would have said, that it was, less than an hour later, that I heard, where to find them. No surprise where; Franks office. Entering to look at them, the surprised expressions on their faces? Nothing, compared to what was to follow. The only weapon I could lay my hands on was the vibrator.

Pulling it out, my hand slid against the button turning it on as the head writhed around, with me, advancing towards them? "You b'stards." Troy and Danny, are moving around the desk away from me. Danny is hissing at Troy.

"She gets hold of us, we're dead meat bro. I think where you and I are concerned she will be wanting to see, how well its gonna fit and I’m not going to be giving her the chance to even attempt that! “

Troy stared at her. “Always S about S, as always S about S!” She shifted closer the head writhing but this time slower, about to run out of power? Somehow, the slower twisting of the head was, more pronounced than before.

Troy, suddenly rushed at me, caught me by surprise, throwing me back, as I wobbled off balance, that vibe still buzzing and, shifting in my hand, now flung into the air; projected towards Torens.

His hands, went up to grab at it, almost dropping it?
As they, made a quick getaway, slamming the door behind them? Only Torens and HER. The whiskey bottle, on the desk, in front of him.

He found the switch, to turn the vibe off, placed it onto the desk. Reached around to grab a glass placing it next to his as he poured into it. I sat down.
Took up the glass and sipped at the whiskey.

"B'stard." He's grinning. "So this is what does it for you, when I'm not around. Judging by the size of this, I  feel you may be over compensating.”

If, I had, earlier, intended to shove it where Troy and Danny might not have been too enthused about. I feel his thoughts were definitely NOT about them, in that respect.

I could see, his lips forming, that maddening grin. The Cheshire cat, coming to the fore. He had picked it up.
"Why do they call this, a rabbit." He fiddled with it, removing the batteries to glance at them.

“Rechargeable Duracell. If that advert re the bunny is anything to go by, this could be interesting." He replaced them, flicked the switch for it to buzz. He was he noted, feeling pretty energized, more than capable of indulging in the favorite pastime of rabbits.

Thumbing, through all three settings, including the one where the head on it started to twist, distort.
"Bloody hell." He turned it off, put it back on the desk.

Was he flustered. I could see, as he loosened his tie, undid the top button on his shirt a light bead of perspiration forming across his forehead. "So." He pauses. "I see since leaving the studio."

The words 'fired' and or, ' thrown out' omitted as his voice tailed off. Distracted? A slight stammer. His hand fiddling with his tie, the other on his glass as he raises it, swigs back; the whiskey.

The glass, placed back onto the desk, with a thud. He sits back, for a few seconds, before his hand, reaches out, to grab hold of, the vibe again.

Seconds later, with it writhing around,  that bemused look on his face?  I placed my glass down. Stood up, stepped over to the door, to lock it.

In front of him, watching, as he shifted the desk to one side. A slow dance as I strip, the way he likes me to.
Slowly letting everything slide down. Unbuttoned, unfastened. Feeling the cool air, across my skin across my nipples.

His two piglets as he calls them, standing out proud, poked in his face.
Only the thin, flimsy silk, hides what lies below. With him sat there and, the vibe still buzzing.

He reaches out, the hand across the silk. to grip hold of my g’strings. Tugged at and now with us parting company.
A soft murmur from me, his fingers playing on the faint outline, of body hair.

Lower, lower and suddenly, the toy, makes a break for freedom, starting to slip he grabs at it, shifting it to take up space between the silk and my skin.fish2

I don't know why, Torens, can leave me wanting him, hating him, feeling the rage and yet loving him.
On his own, able to tease, to bewitch my senses and leave me bereft. Adrift within the storm.

His hands, those fingers gripping it, moving it, until it is thrown aside and the engine of my Ferrari with him in the drivers seat, stick shift in hand, moves to engage gear,
I feel a speeding ticket is imminent!

Thoughts racing, though my head. Lost, in the raw fury, of the moment and any minute now, the last lap completed. Deceleration. Stopping to catch his breath as he, rolls off me. I move, to rest my head on his sweat soaked chest.

Lying there, as one.

Senses all of them in disarray; askew.

Frank, had stepped up to the door of the office. About to grip the handle on the door to open it when he heard a buzzing sound? The vibrator against the leg of the table, the sound amplified?

Loud and varying in tone. He shifted back. Cleaners with the vacuum cleaner? He glances at his watch, turns and saunters off, to the cafeteria.



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Jess Corbin

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Jess Corbin Associates