Jess Corbin Fallen Rose the one trilogy


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Jess Corbin

© Jess Corbin -
Jess Corbin Associates

You will NOT find me on ‘SOCIAL MEDIA’

Here is why!

UPDATE AFTER COVID 2023  (pre covid, see below)

I want to bring fans the as to what is happening across the Jess Corbin worlds.
So many of us have been through hell over the ‘Covid’ era.lost close friends and family; suffered in so many ways, often without wanting, to reflect upon such. I’m not without my losses, family and friends.

My health issues were savaged POST covid AND nothing to do with COVID.from 2023 with a dramatic and life changing series of events. When I say ‘LIFE changing’ I mean just that.

I woke up one morning and found I could hardly move! Such simple things as rising from a chair et almost impossible. All of the things I could manage before suddenly became virtually impossible re physically such as walking, shopping, preparing meals, washing and !

I am NOT going to go into full on details, suffice to say that it literally crippled me.

I spent time in hospital, tests, tests and more tests (NOT forgetting all of the prodding and poking) as a means to get back some of the abilities to do what most take for granted as being easy!  SOME of my mobility and motivity, which eventually allowed me to leave hospital. SELF DISCHARGE (they wanted to keep me in much longer) BUT!

An agreement was reached where i would attend regular ;out patients’ appointments for scans, tests, bloods and more.
That has been ongoing. Some of the effects of the illness itself, from original diagnosis to NOW, have been eye opening to say the least.
What I have is deemed by medical professionals, to be extremely rare. NOT one n a mlllion, but one in a MILLION; MILLION, have what I have. NO, it’s NOT good.
BUT as I have said,
I am NOT going into details NOR am I seeking sympathy !

I have had to adapt, improvise, overcome and dramatically so, in many ways. to be at the mercy of  the sincere, the insincere, the vultures and the two faced hypocrites. HOWEVER.. I cannot ignore the GENUINELY supportive help and UNDERSTANDING of those who HAVE helped me to maintain some level of existence, that is at least tolerable.

Living wise, where I am living, living conditions AND so much more re HAVING to RELY on others who sometimes are NOT the best people to end up being at their mercy, if such a word applies to them in the first place.

Ah yes, to re their indifferences, their personalities and all that makes me, as fans alrealy know, detest the word HUMAN because it is so close to the word ‘HUMANITY’. Believe me, take a look at MEDIA, PEOPLE, PLACES and? even those close to YOU; to understand what I am talking about!

You’re not only fighting your illness and all that it brings with it, BUT them as well??

Thankyou fans!. Other aspects re my continued writing, editing and more continue. As long as I can I will continue to write etc!

UPDATE  2014 pre COVID
If i had thought surviving the last kick down, health wise was a moment to celebrate, it did not last long.
A second ‘relapse’ kicked me even harder as night sweats left me soaked and loss of vision by up to 40% with blurred vision added to the nightmare. Plus all the emotional angst and mood swings bordering on Bi-polar extremes that forgive my language, uck with you to have you hit rock bottom psychologically as well as physically.

You get to wondering ‘Is there any end to this.’except I grin momentarily as I dwell upon you fans, friends, FAMILY!
re Fallen Rose and probably thinking the same thing! Impatient for its release!! However ! Bear with me, might not be BARE with me, but its relevant. Some things, I have accepted, can’t be rushed. Adapt, improvise, overcome and push on. Whatever the outcome, the odds.

Its why she, HER knows, she fuels me up, drives me on just thinking on HER. Does it every time. Ain’t no way ‘S’ I am going to just lie down, cough my last breath and let you reach New Years Eve without me in the wings girl.

So fans, be patient, cos I am buckling up on this rollercoaster and if you’re along for the ride, buckle up cos we’re on the climb again and when we reach the top, get set to have your breath taken away. Cos here comes the HAPPY ever after, the FAIRYTALE that is about my love for HER, captured for all ETERNITY, in all its raw beauty.



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 ALL Jess Corbin’s works are fiction re places, times, people, persons; unless stated otherwise.

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Jess Corbin

Jess Corbin -
Jess Corbin Associates