Jess Corbin Fallen Rose the one trilogy


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Jess Corbin

© Jess Corbin -
Jess Corbin Associates


“You can’t complain about the benefits of a working holiday!” “Three days and its back home! “
Their last night had been hectic. Not just the show but after the show! Final drinks, goodbyes?
Now they had three days to themselves, paid for accommodation and flights back.
To chill. Last look around the island.

“The guy at the hire place waived the repair cost against Helen on the Jeep. “
“How come? “ Sandra took care of it!” Alex laughed. “Sent in the destroyer! Like it! “
“Jeez if Sandra was a guy she’d have balls the size of a mammoths!”

Sarah was not so amused. “Could have taken us all off the road, down the side of the hill to our deaths, the way she drives! “ “Oh come on Sars! It’s the dammed Olive trees along the road. The Olives drop onto the roads, get crushed and end up all over the tires which makes grip when you have to slam on your brakes, bloody nigh on impossible! “

“The other driver, Benito? Bloody hell, I wouldn’t have lit a match near him! Spends most of the time in the Taverna so no wonder Helen got hit by him! “ “Hit by him? “ “Well of course they’re not going to accept it was HIM that hit Helen.Sara1

Bloody tourists eh? Still the insurance took care of the bulk of it and Sandra took care of the excess, or rather Nakiros took care of HER excess!” “Yeah what are they? 38 DD? or what?! “ “Bloody perverts the pair of you! “

Alex watched as Sarah left them, to head back to her room. It was after their evening show.
Getting into the early hours of the morning. She had yawned, swigged back her wine and left.
“ She’s in a mood!” “ Since when has that changed! The last three weeks a bloody nightmare!”
“Think she realizes theres not much to go back to!

We’ve got work, thanks to my dad, over the winter. But she hasn’t and I don’t think Sars has saved much money.
Not with the amount she’s spent on wine! “ “Oh you notice aswell!” “The bag with all the bottles in!”
“Must have been at least a dozen!”

Sarah had been lying on her bed.
Looking up at the ceiling? This summer had been fun. All three months of it.
Shows had been good. Audiences more than appreciative and not much had gone wrong.

The entertainment bosses were good.
Pay was good even if she didn’t have much saved. The wine helped her to forget. So long since she had last seen HIM. After what she had planned to get some revenge he had vanished!

Almost as if someone had told him of her plans! Helen? No! She would not have told him.
Perhaps Lisa? Now there was a possibility! Lisa had a grudge against Sarah after she had taken this job off her.
She heard the lads return. Some female voices? Nothing unusual. But they were not from the band.
Tourist girlfriends or groupies!! She grinned as she cleaned her teeth. Headed to bed.

The walk with Helen along the waterfront? If you could call it that. A not so hot as she could remember it; day.
The sky was blue with a few cotton wool clouds. Sunny. Warm. Helen’s mobile phone buzzing? A call from her mum in the UK. NO! A call from Denise. One of the dancers. Could she come immediately? She was having problems getting rid of her conquest from last night!

Normally that for Denise would not have been a problem. Not with her side kick Sandra close by, but she was elsewhere! Taking care of she reminded Helen, a problem for HER!
“I’ll catch you later Sars! “ She headed off after explaining albeit briefly WHY!
Sarah continued walking to stop look out over the boats.

“Kind of reminds me of a summers day back home, when we sat on the cliff top overlooking the sea, laid back in the long grass, blue skies, soft white fluffy clouds.. .” Sarah froze. “Now how did I know, I would find you here?”
Sarah turned as her eyes met his he moved closer to her. Inches from her. “Miss me? “

So close, so close she could feel his breath on her face. “How?” She didn’t finish her words.
Lips locked on lips. The moment when all else is forgotten. Live it, breathe it.
Nothing else around you or in the moment outside of it, exists.

Finally stepping back, to grab some air? He smiles. “Guess you did miss me! “ He takes her hand leads her along the stone walkway to a boat? A cruiser? “You’ll have to be careful stepping down on the deck. I’ll go first and you follow! “ She watched as he stepped down and then waited for her. Minutes later she was on the deck.

“Friends! Let me borrow it! Crew of two, not that we will see anything of them for three days! In Skopelos with family! So when are you due to fly back? “ “Saturday. Two days time.” “Well we can head out from here, park the boat up tonight
and ?” He looked at her.

“I will need to make a phone call or they will worry?” She was not so sure they would but? Sarah used her mobile to phone Helen. “Oh OK!” That was it! The conversation had come to an abrupt end when she heard Helen shouting at someone! The guy Denise had wanted rid of?


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Jess Corbin

Jess Corbin -
Jess Corbin Associates