Jess Corbin Fallen Rose the one trilogy


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Jess Corbin

© Jess Corbin -
Jess Corbin Associates


“She’s what?” “ “Using jugglers.” “Uhh? “
“With her Britney tribute act! She’s told Louise she wants to use jugglers! Don’t ask me what the hell she wants to use them for.“ Manny was laughing.

“Sarah! Still, has not learned, has she! Bloody novelty act full stop! I’m surprised she hasn’t brought in BoBo the clown. Come to think of it, he might object, too much competition!”

Frank glared at him. “No need to be so heartless Moby! She’s not that bad! “
Manny was now laughing so much he almost spilt his coffee! Never mind Sarah giving Bo Bo the clown competition!  Come on Frank tell me, you’ve seen Toren’s!
I’ve heard that Aly is out of the competition? “

“Indeed she is, currently in Tokyo for the New Year, under the loving auspices of Sonie and not due back, anytime soon I suspect.“ “What sold the deal?” Frank put his mug onto the desk. “Serena Hasclok! “ “Who? “

Danny, had come into the room. “Oh, only one of the worlds best known choreographers and media pro people! “ Danny grinned. Poured a coffee, sat down. “Toren’s knew her from the USA, Las Vegas I think. Also knew she had ties with Shannon O’Keefe. So he had her work with Aly, knowing she would be passing on info to Shannon and there you have it! The fact that he also knew they were Sorority Sisters?

You’ve got, to give the guy his due. Toren’s is a bloody genius!
When that guy sets his mind ot something you can guarantee RESULTS!
WINNERS not LOSERS like our Sarah!“  “Never known a deal put together so dammed fast ! “

“Ah well, Toren’s had Serena pass info on to her Sonie contacts aswell, Kind of added fuel to the fire! “ “So how was your trip to Toren’s? Picked up those mics?” Danny nodded. “ I saw Kennedy, leaving wearing
another one of her skin tight outfits! “ Danny shifted as Manny looked at him, grinned.

“Down boy! She’s married with two girls!”
“So, did I hear something about Sarah wanting clowns?”
Manny sipped his coffee and then stopped, almost spilt it again!

“Kennedy!“ Frank was smiling, a wide beam of a smile as he looked at Manny. “Does she? “ “Oh she knows! Of course she doesn’t know that Kennedy, is HIS proposed singer, for the competition.”

“Bloody hell, final round, he’s going for a knock out punch! How the hell, she never got signed I will never know! “ “She had a contract offered but declined.” He glanced at Danny, watching like some vulture on heat?

“It was, due I think, to the fact, she was pregnant!
Met the guy on tour. Fell in love, married the guy, had a kid, he died in a car accident that was it!”

Danny had shifted, to place his mug in the sink.
“OY! Wash it! I’m not your lackey! Even if Patrice washes up, she’s not either! Now where was I, ah yes; Sarah.
Something Sarah never got used to, the fact that they’re younger, far more aggressive and unless you’re already established in the music business, charts? You’re going nowhere.

The constant bragging, that you’re signed to a record label, whilst leaving out the subtle facts, that you paid to have record your demo.Though these days they also get included on albums that often are total crap!
Worse still they might actually be good but some of the others on the Cd are crap so they get tarred with the same brush! “

“Signed to, their own, record label! Oh yes, that old chestnut!”
“Blimey, is that one still going the rounds!“ “I think hers was slice label or something like that, edge records?
Can’t remember. Based in Holland.” Danny interrupted. “On reflection it’s quite interesting really. I think Louise has traveled the world, seen and done a heck of a lot more than her! Onboard cruise liners, working in Dubai, lost count when she was telling me.That’s one VERY talented lady!”

“Yes, well don’t go, telling Sarah that. A bit of the green eyed goddess coming to the fore there might not be a good thing! We don’t want her getting roused anymore than she is!

Or she will, be bringing in a clown! TO sort you out! Hell on reflection? I remember that bloody terrifying one from the Stephen King novel?!” “It” He grinned. “Yeah well IT will be looking for you if you shout Louise’s praises in Sarah’s direction! “Have they got history then? “

“Think back, when Sarah was first starting out. Louise worked with her dancers at some holiday camp. Sarah was in a competition. The one she believed Toren’s rigged which incidentally he didn’t!

I suspect, Terry the entertainment manager might have, but Toren’s almost certainly didn’t. Don’t go talking in front of or to Sarah about that either! You know how violent she can get! “
He glanced over to the box of desk lamps sat in the corner. “Bloody hell; only one this week! Must be a record! “

Troy looked at Danny. Grinned? “Clowns? “ “Yeah that what he said. She wanted clowns.”
Frank was in his office several days later, Talking to Kayden with Danny doing some work on the computer.
The door to the office thrown open? In the doorway Troy? Falling about laughing! Hysterics?clowns1

He, was pointing to the window? Overlooking the front entrance? Frank stood up, walked over to the window, looked out. Next to him the others, bar Troy. He was still laughing too much to stand! Slumped on the sofa?
Outside in a long queue?

Suddenly, the door to the room was one might say; was violently thrown open.
“I suppose whoever did this thought this ucking hilarious! “
Frank turned to see Sarah ! Whoa the fury in her eyes? could melt ice cubes.

 “All I’ve had, I should add,  all ‘ucking morning, are phone calls from ‘ucking clowns, clowns ‘UCKING CLOWNS! As for that lot ! “ She pointed out of the window. “But oh no, not just that lot!!“ She moved, to show off the Clown costume that had been left in her office! “If I find out who left this in my office and ....”

Sat down, but now rising from his chair, almost stumbling as he did so, Troy was trying to contain his laughter. Could no longer! Nor could Danny! Sarah glared at them both. They tore past her, still screaming with laughter. Had the penny dropped ?

Sarah, had that look, of pure red faced, unadulterated rage, across her face. She tore out otf the room in pursuit of them, fists, well one of them, the other dragging that clown costume behind her.. screaming at them.

“You!! You get back here now! I want words with you two b’stards! “
Kayden was looking out the window laughing. “Bloody hell the number of them! I sure as hell would not like to be those two if Sars catches up with them! Slap ? Let’s not forget the stick!! “ He fell about laughing again.


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Jess Corbin

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Jess Corbin Associates