Jess Corbin Fallen Rose the one trilogy


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Jess Corbin Fallenr Rose the one trilog

© ALL Jess Corbin works are protected by international copyright. This is a READ ONLY online publication featuring extracts from the forthcoming Falling Rose the one trilogy - no permissions are granted, intimated, given in any way shape or form permitted re using any of the content without the consent of the copyright holder Jess Corbin; Jess Corbin Associates. All Jess Corbin works are fiction unless stated otherwise. For further information regarding terms and conditions of copyright and or similar *TWITTER  @ jesscorbinBKS

Jess Corbin’s Fallen Rose the one trilogy - publication covers; please bear in mind that the final covers may differ from those shown - thwse are suggested covers based on the original web scenarios.

Jess Corbin Fallen Rose the one publication cover design

Fallen Rose the one .. volume 1 of the trilogy is an introduction to many of the main characters that feature throughout the trilogy and of course the backdrop to what the trilogy focuses on, HOWEVER the three titles have their own stories across a spectrum of the music, the trials and tribulations of the main characters plus not forgetting their friends, events, happenings and the outcomes are portrayed to leave you howling, growling AND without doubt in some instances grinning if not laughing hysterically.

Whatever the reader takes from the written work it should always be remembered that this is FICTION although some scenarios may seem eerily close to situations the reader may at some time have encountered in real life, one of the reasons Jess Corbin’s fans love this guy for his ability to create such realistic moments!

Jess Corbin Fallen Rose the one INTENSE voume 2 of the trilogy cover design

Jess Corbin’s Fallen Rose the one trilogy VOLUME 2
the one INTENSE ..
follows on not just in the storylines but the era or decade bearing in mind that the whole trilogy is set from 1970’s to the present. That also includes the music and readers will be very aware of the tracks selected for certain pages written sometimes around the song content to reflect the mood and generate an atmosphere relevant to the lyrics or the song as a whole.

Nicknamed ‘the fairytale’ volume 2 features stories based around one of our main characters ‘Sarah’ who gets caught up in the world of ‘pantomime’.

What Jess Corbin does is to create storylines around that with such as Goldilocks and the three bears or Red Riding in the hood and and ! Believe us, they’ll leave you in hysterics and with her arch nemesis Danny and Troy our to exact some revenge ?

From the off Jess Corbin’s the one ‘INTENSE’ delves deep into the world of the pantomime, the Masquerade ball in Vienna, the chase through Rome in the car driven by an F1 driver!! giving chase but to whom?! The TomorrowLand EDM storylines and so so many more to leave readers in no doubt just how fast paced and at times spellbinding Jess leaves his readers caught up in all that transpires. Again with music pages written around music relevant to the decade shown.


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© This is an online READ only no other rights granted in any way shape or form regarding the content featured on this web. ALL Jess Corbin works are protected by international copyright. ALL Jess Corbin’s works are fiction unless stated otherwise.
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